
We are still waiting for Brexit to really happen!

Great Britain is still paying the European Union millions of Pound Sterling per year. 

(The real numbers:)

1 Thousand = 1,000
1 Million = 1,000,000
1 Billion = 1,000,000,000,000
1 Trillion = 1, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 

The exact time is below since when the lying politicians said Brexit was done: 

Brexit | The Reasons the U.K. Choose to totally leave the E.U. 

12 Key Reasons :

01. For Democracy
Laws which impact the people of this country should be made by our 650 elected Members of Parliament, not by 28 none-elected E.U. Commissioners.

02. To Return British Sovereignty
The decisions our elected Parliament makes must be final, these decisions shouldn’t be overruled by the E.U.

03. For Our Farmers
The UK will be able negotiate trade deals with growing markets in Asia and South America to reduce tariffs on British producers, and introduce our own Common Agricultural Policy to suit U.K. farmers.

04. To Save Money
The U.K. gives £20,000,000,000 in gross contributions to the E.U. every year. When the rebate is taken into account we give the E.U. £10,000,000,000 net per year. This is money could be spent in the U.K. on our schools and hospitals etc.

05. For Our Fisherman
The E.U.’s Common Fisheries Policy has destroyed the U.K.’s fishing industry, this must be abolished.

06. To Have a Fair Immigration System
We should not have an open-door immigration policy with the E.U. Which unfairly discriminates against people from non-E.U. countries.

07. For Our National Security
Peace in Europe has been secured by N.A.T.O. and not by the E.U. The E.U. has undermined N.A.T.O. putting this country in danger. We must ensure this alliance remains strong.

08. To Fully Trade with the World
The U.K. is unable to strike its own trade deals with other countries around the world due to E.U. membership. It is time to engage with the world.

09. For Small Businesses
Small businesses are unfairly impacted by excessive E.U. regulations which are created to help large multinationals. We should cherish our small businesses and allow them to flourish.

10. To Stop T.T.I.P.
The E.U. is currently and secretly negotiating the T.T.I.P. agreement with America which could lead to the privatisation of our N.H.S. We love our N.H.S. and want to see it thrive.

11. For Our Safety
The E.U. prevents the U.K. from deporting foreign criminals. If you commit a criminal offence in this country or have a criminal record you are not welcome here.

12. Because We Are British
There is no such thing as European identity, we are British and proud of it. 

This website is run by people who believe in true independence from that corrupt European Union.

Brexit |The Leave Campaign Win the Referendum 
Article 50 | Submitted on 29th March 2017. Download Article 50
Download the E.U.'s Bad Withdrawal Agreement treaty.

(This document needs to be put in the shredder where it belongs).

Download Boris Johnson's Amendments of the E.U. Treaty.

*Please note* There is only small differences from that bad Withdrawal Agreement that was agreed by useless Theresa May.

Therefore, this document should also be submitted to the shredder. 

The People voted to leave, and not for a botched deal that would tie us in E.U. laws and tariffs forever.

A Clean Break Brexit is the best way to genuinely leave the E.U. rules and regulations. In addition, that complied with the referendum result of leave.

The Definition of the word Leave:

Terminate association with.

The full list of the Members of Parliament that stepped down in the 12th December 2019 General Election: 


  • David Tredinnick, Bosworth
  • Glyn Davies, Montgomeryshire
  • Jeremy LeFroy, Stafford
  • Keith Simpson, Broadland
  • Caroline Spelman, Meriden
  • Michael Fallon, Sevenoaks
  • Jo Johnson, Orpington
  • Nick Hurd, Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner
  • Claire Perry, Devizes
  • David Jones, Clwyd West
  • Mark Prisk, Hertford and Stortford
  • Bill Grant, Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock
  • Hugo Swire, East Devon
  • Mark Field, Cities of London and Westminster
  • Seema Kennedy, South Ribble
  • Sarah Newton, Truro and Falmouth
  • Patrick McLoughlin, Derbyshire Dales
  • Nicholas Soames, Mid Sussex
  • David Lidington, Aylesbury
  • Alan Duncan, Rutland and Melton
  • Nicky Morgan, Loughborough


  • Ronnie Campbell, Blyth Valley
  • Jim Fitzpatrick, Poplar and Limehouse
  • Kevin Barron, Rother Valley
  • Geoffrey Robinson, Coventry North West
  • Stephen Pound, Ealing North
  • Kate Hoey, Vauxhall
  • Roberta Blackman-Woods, City of Durham
  • Gloria De Piero, Ashfield
  • Albert Owen, Ynys Mon
  • Paul Farrelly, Newcastle-under-Lyme
  • John Mann, Bassetlaw
  • Ann Clwyd, Cynon Valley
  • Ian Lucas, Wrexham

Lib Dem

  • Norman Lamb, North Norfolk
  • Vince Cable, Twickenham
  • Heidi Allen, South Cambridgeshire


  • Ken Clarke, Rushcliffe
  • Guto Bebb, Aberconwy
  • Oliver Letwin, West Dorset
  • Richard Harrington, Watford
  • Justine Greening, Putney
  • Alistair Burt, North East Bedfordshire
  • Richard Benyon, Newbury
  • Rory Stewart, Penrith and The Border
  • Amber Rudd, Hastings and Rye


  • Nick Boles, Independent Progressive Conservative, Grantham and Stamford
  • Joan Ryan, The Independent Group For Change, Enfield North
  • Ann Coffey, The Independent Group For Change, Stockport
  • John Bercow, Speaker, Buckingham

We hope they will be replaced with real democratic people instead.

The full list of Tory Members of Parliament who did not back the Internal Market Bill: 

  1. Theresa May
  2. Savid Javid
  3. Sir Roger Gale
  4. Andrew Percy
  5. Sir Robert Neill
  6. Geoffrey Cox
  7. Simon Hoare
  8. George Freeman
  9. Tobias Ellwood
  10. Gary Streeter
  11. Rehman Chishti
  12. Jack Lopresti
  13. Charles Walker
  14. Jeremy Wright
  15. Ben Spencer
  16. Sir Oliver Heald
  17. Andrew Stuart
  18. Crispin Blunt
  19. Karen Bradley
  20. Sir Graham Brady
  21. Sir Christopher Chop
  22. Jackie Doyle-Price
  23. Dr Liam Fox
  24. Richard Graham
  25. Stephen Hammond
  26. James Heappey
  27. Damian Hinds
  28. Sir Edward Leigh
  29. Tim Loughton
  30. Owen Paterson
  31. Julian Smith
  32. John Stevenson

U.K. / E.U. Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

Photo of the lying scumbag, who agreed to this useless deal. 

Never trust anyone who stutters while talking. They are lying!

Talking is always automatic.

U.K./E.U. Trade Deal
Chimes of Big Ben
Play the Big Ben Chimes at 11:00pm on 31-12-2020

Done in E.U. time instead of British time. = Not a real Brexit!

Imprison all for this elaborate fraud.

Brexit Big Ben Bong at 11.00pm on 31-12-2020.mp3

Never trust the Tories or Labour to make a success of Brexit! 

We vote for none of the above.

What did the Tories actually done when they were in power? 

1. Highest inflation for many years.
2. Ruined the Brexit opportunities.
3. Uncontrolled immigration. (Legal and illegal)
4. Award minister jobs to incompetent people just to tick boxes.
5. Award lucrative contracts to their friends, instead of the right people.
6. Sending many millions of pounds of taxpayers money in aid to countries that do not need it.

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